Counselling For Carers – CFC

Free Counselling For Carers with our private counsellors Catherine and Simone, in collaboration with Petroc College and Exeter College.

Our counsellors are Level 4 Student Counsellors at either Petroc’s North Devon campus or Exeter College and both volunteer with Unite tCarers o deliver free, private counselling sessions to Carers registered with Unite.

Catherine and Simone are in their fourth and final year working towards the Lv.4 Diploma in Counselling with the gold standard CPCAB (Counselling & Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body), are insured, professionally supervised and DBS clear.

The initial course of 6 or 8 counselling sessions (more offered if necessary) can take place in person in a private and safe space at Unite’s meeting rooms on No. 4 Bridge Street, or via video link, or a combination of both, according to the carer’s personal preference.

If you would like to discuss Counselling For Carers further, please call the office or email