Our groups are split into categories and Unite Carers currently have 4 support and friendship groups for Carers of loved ones with any medical condition.  They are:

  • The Bampton Carers’ Coffee Group led by Denise.
  • The Cullompton Carers’ Coffee Group led by Jean.
  • The Tiverton Carers’ Coffee Group led by Denise and Fiona.
  • The Crediton Carers’ Coffee Group led by Tracy

Unite’s groups for Carers of loved ones with Dementia are:

  • The Tiverton Forget Me Not Café for carers and the people they care for, led by Denise
  • The Culm Valley Oasis, led by Audrey and Veronica.
  • The Exe Valley Oasis, led by Denise and Fiona.
  • The DJ Group (A Different Journey) for Carers and their loved ones who may be just starting out on their dementia journey, led by Fiona.

Unite’s groups for Parent Carers are:

  • The Let’s Unite at No.4, for Parent Carers of school-aged children with additional needs, led by Jenny T.
  • The Carers of Adults and Teens (16+) with Additional Needs Group, led by Jenny T.

Unite’s sitting groups for cared-for-people are:

  • Tiverton Safe Stop, which runs twice a month

Unite’s groups for Former Carers (Ex-Carers) are:

  • The Uffculme Ex-Carers Lunch Group, led by Jackie.
  • The Tiverton and Cullompton Ex-Carers Lunch Group run by Veronica and Jenny F.

Please call the office on 01884 257511 or email info@unitemd.org.uk for further information, or to register for a group or groups to suit you.