On Saturday, 2nd October, Unite Carers in Mid Devon were invited along to chat to unpaid carers at the Mid Devon Medical Practice Carers’ Coffee Morning. This was the second year that Unite have been invited to attend; to talk to new carers about our groups and services, and to meet carers that are already registered with Unite.
The coffee morning was held at the Mid Devon Medical Practice surgery in Witheridge and we were made to feel very welcome by the Practice Team.
As well as meeting organisations such as Unite Carers, Talkworks and Devon Carers, carers and their loved-ones were offered a free relaxing massage or to experience the healing benefits of Reiki, and those who took up the offers reported the therapies to be very beneficial for their aches and pains.
Thank you to all at the Mid Devon Medical Practice, the home-made cakes were delicious.
Here’s a lovely photo of Roland and Alec who came along to say hello.