Devon Information Advice & Support – DiAS offer free online training sessions for Parent Carers.
DiAS has three sessions available this term – each one lasts an hour, plus 30 minutes afterwards for questions and discussion. All are via Teams online.
Listening to your child’s views
10 – 11.30am, Tuesday 21st November 2023
How to gather and share your child’s views with professionals
Find out more and book your place here:…/1028158
Demystifying SEND
10 – 11.30am, Tuesday 28 November 2023
How to find information and support, SEN support in schools and the graduated response.
Find out more and book your place here:…/diasdevoninforma…/1047040
Education Health and Care (EHC) plan reviews
1pm – 2.30pm, Monday 4 December 2023
The EHC plan review process and meeting and your role in it. This training is for parent carers whose child already has an EHC plan.
Find out more and book your place here:…/1051473